Galapagos Islands Presentation
Jackcyln Ngo, one of the Hospital School's former tutors, visited the school today and gave a presentation about her semester abroad in the Galapagos Islands. Ms. Ngo studied at the Galapagos Institute of Arts and Sciences in partnership with Universidad San Francisco de Quito on San Cristobal Island which is part of the Galapagos archipelago. UNC and USFQ share a science research center there which teaches students about the fragile ecosystem and how to protect the flora and fauna unique to the islands. She explained to the students the history of the Galapagos Islands, the growth in population and tourism and the effect this is having on the ecosystem.
Ms. Ngo is a UNC Teaching Fellow and is currently in her final semester, preparing for student teaching of Pre-Calculus and Core Math at the Durham School of the Arts.