Thursday, December 13, 2012

Cows in Schools


The Hospital School has been chosen to participate in “Cows in Schools”, an extension to the state-wide “CowParade North Carolina 2012”. Perhaps you have noticed some of the life-size painted and decorated cows around Chapel Hill! Selected schools will paint smaller versions of the three-dimensional fiberglass cows.   Each “mini-moo is about 28” tall by 48” long and positioned as grazing, sitting or standing. The Hospital School was given a grazing and standing cow that we have chosen to paint Carolina blue following up with creative painting on each cow. We have chosen the themes of “Glamour Cow” and of “Cows in Children’s Literature”.

Our students are enjoying this fun task of creative painting as well as an opportunity to contribute to a worthwhile fund raiser. Selected cows from various schools will be auctioned off in a silent auction at the CowParade North Carolina on February 2, 2013 at Memorial Auditorium in Raleigh. Proceeds from the auction will be donated to North Carolina Children’s Hospital.

The photographs show some of our young gifted artists: Sage, Chris, Emilio, Sam, and Tiffany hard at work.