Our two mini moos were packed up and taken off to a great adventure a month ago. "Dottie" will make an appearance at Run for the Derby, an event held on Kentucky Derby Day, May 4."Cows in Children's Literature" was successfully auctioned on eBay. Proceeds from the mini moos will help support the NC Children's Hospital. The Literature Cow's new owners contacted us when they found out that she was painted by patients at the Children's Hospital. Here are excerpts from an email from Dr. Wallace D. Brown who is a doctor in the Pediatric Clinic here in the hospital who gathered funds from his colleagues to bid on her.
"Our purpose is to have her highlight the importance of reading and books to parents and children as they are in the Waiting Room as they wait to be called for their appointments. We plan to have her in a small corral such that the kids can touch and pet, but not climb on her and have all the books that are displayed on the cow available for reading. These books will be kept in her pasture at her feet so they are forever present hoping to keep the flame alive for parents reading to their children... We are eager to get the cow on display and functional as soon as we can construct her mini-corral."
We are very happy that the mini moo our students worked on has found the best home possible right here in the Hospital!